Esas No: 2012/8168
Karar No: 2012/10583
Karar Tarihi: 10.12.2012
Yargıtay 16. Hukuk Dairesi 2012/8168 Esas 2012/10583 Karar Sayılı İlamı
An ownership dispute between the plaintiffs and defendant Abdurrahman Koca over two parcels of land was settled by the Kadastro Mahkemesi. The court found that the parcels belonged to the plaintiffs and their co-owners due to their possession of the land through \"kazandırıcı zamanaşımı zilyetliği\" (acquisitive prescription ownership). The plaintiffs had filed a complaint based on this claim, and the court ordered the parcels to be registered in the names of the plaintiffs and their co-owners. The defendant appealed the decision, but the court upheld the original ruling. The specific laws or regulations cited in the decision are not mentioned in the provided text.