Esas No: 2015/16054
Karar No: 2015/5682
Karar Tarihi: 09.09.2015
Hırsızlık - kasten yaralama - Yargıtay 17. Ceza Dairesi 2015/16054 Esas 2015/5682 Karar Sayılı İlamı
A local court ruling regarding a theft and assault case was appealed to the 17th Criminal Division. According to the regulations regarding the division of tasks among courts, the case was supposed to be reviewed by the 6th Criminal Division. The case was transferred to the 6th Criminal Division according to an administrative decision and the law numbered 6572. The case was later returned to the local court for review. The relevant law mentioned in the court ruling is the Yargıtay Kanunu's 14th article and the Yargıtay Birinci Başkanlık Kurulu's 19.01.2015 decision numbered 2015/8.
Relevant Law Articles:
- Yargıtay Kanunu's 14th Article
- Yargıtay Birinci Başkanlık Kurulu's 19.01.2015 Decision numbered 2015/8
- Law numbered 6572's 27th supplementary article and temporary 14th article